YEAR 2023


【TV Interview】 The abscondment of Agnes Chow calls for a more severe article 23 legislation (Shenzhen Satellite News : 7 Dec 2023)

【TV Interview】 Agnes Chow deceived authority in bail conditions should be more stringent (Shenzhen Satellite News : 7 Dec 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】(Dec 2023)

【Public Statement】Statement on US’s Lawmakers introduction of a Bill calling for sanctions on Hong Kong judges, government officials and legal practitioners (30 Nov 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】(Nov 2023)

【TV Interview】Chief Executive John Lee’s Policy Address: art 23 legislation (CGTN The World Today : 25 Oct 2023)

【Legal Forum】Chinese litigation and dispute resolution specialist program (Ganshu Judicial Institute: 4 Sep 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Willy Fu : are you 23 local legislation should consider anti-espionage law (Dotdotnews : 15 Sep 2023)

【Legal Forum】Shenzhen Lawyers Innovative Cooperation Forum 2023 (Shenzhen: 24 Sep 2023)

【TV Interview】Hong Kong Court refused to grant injunction against separatist anthem (Now TV:9 Aug 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Willy Fu : The SJ should appeal against the reduced sentence in Jimmy Lai’s “818” case (Wenweipao : 15 Aug 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】 (Aug 2023)

【TV Interview】Chief Executive John Lee’s First Year in Office (CGTN Asia Today : 1 Jul 2023)

【TV Interview】Hong Kong Police Issued Arrest Warrant for 8 National Security Law Suspects (Now TV:6 Jul 2023)

【Legal Forum】Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Industry Cooperation Zone – Legal Services Promotional Conference (Hong Kong) (Qianhai : 14 Jul 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Willy Fu : Injunction against broadcasting of separatist anthem refused: A Disappointment (Wenweipao : 29 Jul 2023)

【Newspaper Article】L Ma : Secretary for Justice Should Appeal Against Decision Rejecting Injunction against broadcasting of separatist anthem (Wenweipao : 31 Jul 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】 (July 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】 (June 2023)

【Radio Interview】Plagiarism allegations at the High Court (Backchat Radio: RTHK3 : 19 Jun 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Willy Fu : Art. 23 Legislation to fill up gap so to prevent Blackclad Riot from resurfacing (Wenweipao : 28 June 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】 (May 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Willy Fu:Secretary for Justice is right to fill the legal vacuum (Wenweipao:10 May 2023)

【Invited activity】Advanced Industrial Technology Seminar (Marine Economy Summit: 12 May 2023)

【Legal Forum】Greater Bay Area Legal Practise Forum (29 May 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】 (Apr 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Kacee Ting: Welcoming the Forming of the New Hong Kong Macau Office ( 4 Apr 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Willy Fu: National Security is the cornerstone of prosperity (HK Commercial Daily: 16 Apr 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】 (Mar 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】 (Feb 2023)

【TV Interview】Legal Issues Arising From the Killing of Abby Choi (Phoneix TV: 27 Feb 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Kacee Ting : The first NPCSC interpretation of the HK National Security Law ( : 4 Jan 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Willy Fu:NPCSC Interpretation Urgently Needed to Curb Foreign Interference of HK Judicial Independence (Wenweipo A14 : 12 Jan 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】 (1 – 15 Jan 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Louis Chen : Director Cheng’s Lunar New Year Speech Drove prosperity to a New Height (Think HK: 16 Jan 2023)

【Newspaper Article】Willy Fu:Gregory May Smeared the National Security Law (Wenweipo : 30 Jan 2023)

【Newspaper Interview】(16 – 31 Jan 2023)